8teezbaybee: R&B 1986 – 1987

April 13, 2011

1984 – 1985 Here

I’ve always maintained that 1985 – 88 were the greatest years of music


Alexander O’Neal made “Fake” and “Criticize” … those rocked

Anita Baker made Rapture; everybody’s mother rocked that tape.. People thought it was her first album

Vesta dropped, but at that point I only cared about her breasts

Remember Whistle? They came out with “Just Buggin” that’s really the only song people remember … Kangol from UTFO put them out

Babyface came out with Lovers but it was wack

Chico deBarge first made his solo joint in 86 … NO ONE cared lol …why?

El Debarge dropped like a week later with “Who’s Johnny”

Shirley Murdoch came out with my two songs! “As we Lay” and “Go On without You”

Remember “Shake you down” by Gregory Abbott?

Phyllis Hyman and Howard Hewitt dropped but feh.

Full Force get Busy 1 Time came out with “Temporary Love Thing” and Old Flames never die” I use to rock those daily lol

New Edition didn’t know what to do after Bobby Left, they made the Under the Blue Moon joint … weird but I rocked it

Luther released “So Amazing” “Give me the reason” and “There’s nothing better than love” … he looked real NutraSweet on the cover to boot

None of that mattered because Album of the year:

Janet Jackson dropped Control!

What have you done for me lately
The Pleasure Principle
When I think of you
Lets wait awhile
Funny How time flies

… I still say that album is the GOAT (Not to mention those black jeans in the Pleasure principle video)


Bobby Brown dropped his first solo King of t Stage … Girlfriend is STILL one of my favorite songs by him, and the video was dope … but my video for real? “Girl next Door”
… he killed the wop on that joint lol

Mike release BAD … personally I thought it was mostly wack but you canít deny the impact he had on everyone

Miki Howard and Regina Belle dropped albums … feh

Shanice came out and the crush was in full effect, I wanted some of all of her!
… I remember when she was on Kids Incorporated

Remember Terrance Trent D’Arby? Wishing well came out and Sign your name … he annoyed me though with the EXTRA long album title lol

Whitney hit again with I wanna dance with somebody, didnt we almost have it all, and where do Broken Hearts go

…those were great and all but MY pick for Album of the year?

Keith Sweat
He had 8 songs on that joint but EVERY one of them was a BANGER … and STILL KNOCKS!

Next is 1988 One of the greatest years of music EVER (and the last post in this series)

1988 – 1989 Here

  • Buckhead

    Loved Alexander O’Neal’s music but the way he looked in his videos irritated me.

    Lots of Anita played in the house. That was my oldest brother’s luv luv.

    “Vesta dropped, but at that point I only cared about her breasts”

    Mannish ass *smh*

    I hope you mean your two songs NOW-a-days about Ms. Murdoch’s joints and not back then. What were you… all of 11 yrs old, E? LOL

    Once Control hit… psshh, I.Was.Janet.
    In my room, in front of all my dolls, yo?! Couldn’t tell me nothing. I use to steal that album from my brothers every day. Damn near broke my body trying to get the Pleasure Principal chair move down.

    ’86-’87 I remember Ready for the World’s “Love You Down”, Meli’sa Morgan “Do Me Baby and Rene & Angela “Your Smile”. Some very good music during these years.

    How are you going to finish off THE 80’s with no 1989?? What did that year ever do to you?

    “I’m a Quadratic equation with imaginary numbers”

    I’ve been solving you since the 3rd grade. 🙂

  • http://rashanjamal.blogspot.com/ Rashan Jamal

    Whistle – Just Buggin isn’t close to my favorite song by them. Barbara’s Bedroom and Still My Girl were my favs.

    Didn’t Gregory Abbott do something with Phillip Michael Thomas aka Tubbs from Miami Vice?

    Full Force was my joint. I was never really a Janet fan until them jeans in Pleasure Principle. MMMMM

    I didn’t like BAD either. Especially BAD and Smooth Criminal.

    That Keith joint was a monster!

  • 88 bluedevil

    Rapture is still my favorite Anita Baker album. Make it last forever stays in the rotation.

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