Random – e: Birthday Partyless

February 29, 2012

25 Random actual factuals bout me you m’frs

1. I’ve never had a birthday party

2. When I type every one of my blogs I don’t pre write I just type every one of them straight out one draft one take
(Even the ones that rhyme)

3. I’ve never smoked anything

4. I have yet to go overseas/out of the country

5. I’m from Ohio but never seen a farm

6. I love Onion Rings

7. I’ve never been to the Movie Theater with either of my parents

8. Never seen the Movie Goonies or E.T.

9. I cannot Stand Chocolate ice cream or Chocolate Cake

10. My best friend one Summer was a Lesbian…she moved

11. I hate shaking hands because of germs but I’ll put my mouth most everywhere on a woman lol

12. I’ve never been to the Mall with my Mother

13. I’m not a Jill Scott fan

14. I’ve had just about every hairstyle you can imagine except a perm or curl

15. Haven’t listened to regular radio in almost 5 years

16. I like the smell of Gasoline

17. I rather have people believe a lie than argue my point

18. I think Fries go with everything but dessert

19. My Favorite non alcoholic beverage is Strawberry Lemonade

20. I clean up everyday

21. I’m so weird and particular I wore shower shoes in my own shower for years.

22. I haven’t owned a dresser since I lived at home

23. I did not have sex Prom night

24. I dont eat cereal a lot because Im afraid I’ll get to the bottom of the box and it’ll be “something” in there … and its been there the whole time! lol

25. My Favorite Animal is Koala

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  • http://Claymationwerewolf.blogspot.com Claymation Werewolf

    Okay let’s see here…we actually agree on; 2,3,4,5(except for the farm thing!),10(on three seperate occasions),11,16,23
    RE: #2 It’s funny, there have been only a couple of posts I every actually put any kind of preparation into and they are NEVER well recieved. people only react to the free form stream of conciousness weird stuff. I’m very happy to hear that you write like that because ever since I’ve started reading your posts I’ve considered you the “Jack Kerouac” of the blog world. I definitely think you bring your own voice to his style and do it well.

    • eclectik

      I appreciate that!
      I dunno, everyone assume Ive seen a farm or grew up on one LOL
      I have no idea what it is about the Gasoline smell lol
      … Prom night was SO overrated …
      You’re like my new favorite reader!

  • coako

    lets shake hands…. j/k
    lets go share some onion rings….
    i did the flip flops in the shower for awhile when i moved into a pre-owned house….

    • eclectik

      Ewwww lol
      Onion rings are dee lish, not quite fries but close
      I had to wear the flip flops cuz ewwwww lol

  • Lamar The Revenger

    I can agree with #23 & #11

    • eclectik

      LOL! Welcome to the party!

  • Valencia

    Totally with you on 1, 3, 4, 6(love onion rings-battered not bread tho)and 7. I’m so happy about #8. Thought I was the only one that never saw ET. Maybe I am not as weird as people say;-D

  • soheavenleigh

    #11 and #16 is why I have loved you for the past 7 years…(has it really been that long?)

  • http://coldslitherpodcast.com Classick Material

    Hey I just had a random thought, figured what better place to post it than here?

    who do you find more annoying?
    (a) People who say “let’s touch base” but have never played baseball
    (b) People who say “Get _____ out the paint!” but have never played basketball
    (c) People who say “let’s huddle” but have never played football
    (d) all of the above.

    • eclectik

      I’m going to go with “a” That annoys me over the others

  • http://www.literarymarie.blogspot.com L. Marie

    NEVER had a birthday party? Are you sure? Your parents never gave you a birthday party while growing up?

    And wait…you’ve never been out of the U.S. Sir, we need to plan some trips.

    Yum to onion rings

  • http://www.williambrucewest.com Will

    I, too, am a cake racist! I work at a black school, and at work functions, we always have a yellow sheet cake and a chocolate, and I’m always scared I’m getting the side eye as I inch toward the yellow cake. Don’t judge me!

  • http://twitter.com/ShantaFabulous Breasteses Mahoney (@ShantaFabulous)

    I like the smell of gasoline and also car air conditioner fumes.

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