25 Random actual factuals bout me you m’frs
1. I’ve never had a birthday party
2. When I type every one of my blogs I don’t pre write I just type every one of them straight out one draft one take
(Even the ones that rhyme)
3. I’ve never smoked anything
4. I have yet to go overseas/out of the country
5. I’m from Ohio but never seen a farm
6. I love Onion Rings
7. I’ve never been to the Movie Theater with either of my parents
8. Never seen the Movie Goonies or E.T.
9. I cannot Stand Chocolate ice cream or Chocolate Cake
10. My best friend one Summer was a Lesbian…she moved
11. I hate shaking hands because of germs but I’ll put my mouth most everywhere on a woman lol
12. I’ve never been to the Mall with my Mother
13. I’m not a Jill Scott fan
14. I’ve had just about every hairstyle you can imagine except a perm or curl
15. Haven’t listened to regular radio in almost 5 years
16. I like the smell of Gasoline
17. I rather have people believe a lie than argue my point
18. I think Fries go with everything but dessert
19. My Favorite non alcoholic beverage is Strawberry Lemonade
20. I clean up everyday
21. I’m so weird and particular I wore shower shoes in my own shower for years.
22. I haven’t owned a dresser since I lived at home
23. I did not have sex Prom night
24. I dont eat cereal a lot because Im afraid I’ll get to the bottom of the box and it’ll be “something” in there … and its been there the whole time! lol
25. My Favorite Animal is Koala