Posts Tagged ‘ Breakfast Cereal ’

Greatest Cereal of All Time (Tournament)

April 12, 2013

Cap’n Crunch? Lucky Charms? Smurf berry Crunch? What is the greatest Cereal of all time? There’s been debate … back and forth, an entire Cold Slither Podcast on the matter … so why not let the people decide? Tournament style! Fresh off of the Childhood TV Crushes tourney, I present …The Greatest Cereal of all…

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Horatio Magellan: The Crunch Files

July 26, 2012

Horatio Magellan Crunch made a lot of money in his day … peddlin that crunch to all the kids on my block Had that Quaker Oats goodness … there were/are a ton of flavors I found people never heard of so I’d bring them up and people would look at me like I was crazy…

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