Posts Tagged ‘ Disney ’

Do I Do: Astro Ice

June 27, 2013

Do you? Think women spending $100 + getting her hair done is imcomprensible? … espeically since the following week it looks like nothing ever happened. Hate missing the previews at the movies? enjoy drnking (fluids) more than eating? Think Oral is just a part of sex instead of a special gift? Only care about NBA…

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iThink: Snoopac and Funk Claws

April 16, 2012

Its random post Monday again … so random thoughts Great Weekend … did some shoppin, copped some things Notably Retro 10s The NBA was on … I just can’t bring myself to care …basketball is so wack now That NeNe on RHOA is an awful unattractive, bitter chick … that’s the template for most women…

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