Why didn’t they tell me…????
Cartoons were going to get wack
I would out grow fishticks
The NBA wouldnt be as entertaining after the 90s closed
That free T shirts werent worth ruining my credit
…remember they gave them joints out in college for opening new accounts?
Poo in the morning makes your whole day better
Women dont appreciate the “nice guy” until they’ve been through their fair share of sexy assholes
Rudy Huxtable was going to be so damn FINE
Your only true friends are the ones you make when you are in grade school…
After that you only make aquaintences
It is SO uncool to try and be cool
Mary J Blige would Kill R&B
Its hard to meet women
There’s a difference between a Job and a Career
…and very seldom do you leave college and get a career
Off The Wall and Thriller Michael Jackson was the best it was going to get
I look better without hair
Decorating is so much fun
Unattractive women cannot STAND when you comment on attractive women
You use next to NO MATH in your regular everyday life
No matter what you do you will end up close to just like one of your parents
The older you get the more overrated Holidays become?
Once you start masturbating you will never stop
Ashley Banks was going to be so damn FINE