#Unappreciation: Ketchup – Catsup

June 22, 2012

Things I cannot stand…. like….

Every time somebody says something about blacks that are not black everyone is up in arms, and it’s racist and we’re outraged!
…shut the hell up
Stop making ignorance cool and turnin bullshit into slang and ‘cool’ words
What makes black people so damn special? We the only people that got a book of words and phrases no one but we can use/say/think
But we put it all out in the world…just don’t want it back; it’s not all our fault but it’s more than 60%

Having to cut my hair.
…I shave my head by choice (no receding hairline or anything, I just think it looks better)
Truth: I’m lazy and don’t like to shampoo, and don’t want to go pay $$$$ to get it cut It’ss so annoying to cut it every couple of days though…lemme go bald son!

Mind games
…Say what you want to say…do what you want to do…but be real about it. Don’t do front and act like you’re not…say one thing but do and mean something else
People too old to be reading minds and trying to predict what you’re gonna do/feel…

“Coming up next…” Damnit I’m watching…I’ve been watching since the show started, I’m not going nowhere…I’m watching for a reason; SO I CAN SEE what’s next.
“Next week on…” You muthafux! I’m going to watch next week…stop showing me shit!

People in Hip Hop vs. Rap arguments

…Most of the time these people have no clue about the culture.
It’s not all their faults, they grew up with BIG and Pac…Can’t blame them entirely but when they don’t want to listen/hear about the older stuff
…that’s annoying. Neither BIG nor Pac sniffs greatest of all time
Let me let you in on a secret…the top 5 are still alive.

Ketchup Leavins

…That Bullshit ass watery squirt that comes out the bottle when you dont shake it or turn it upside down
Squeeze me some ketchup out dis bitch
…and What the fuk is up with the 2 spellins in this micky flick?

The saying: “Wrestling is fake…”

..Dumbass, what TV SHOW is real? That’s why it’s a show fukwad…even 1/2 or Reality shows are scripted
BUT unlike regular TV Shows where if you get hit, dropped, bleed, etc where it’s staged and don’t hurt and/or done by stunt people
Wrestling…you get dropped on your head, that ish hurt whether they knew it was coming or not
When someone bleeds or DIES on Wrestling, next week they’re going to have a scar …or not be around anymore… ever.

Happy Ignorance

Pimpin…hustlin…thugs…you name it. Why are these images portrayed as the shit!? Moreover, why are we happy to call each other that…and stop trying to turn it into a positive
Kills me with that “nah everything is a hustle…when you’re on your grind …doing your job…it’s hustlin’
No ‘Tard it’s doing your job and being responsible…everything  don’t have to sound ignorant to be cool
…and ladies stop with the “I want a bad boy, gangsta, soldja shit…no you don’t, and you’re not cool either.
..And Soldier don’t have a fukn “J” in it.
LEARN YO fukin Mastery and Bonus words

Eating Payday Candy bars

…every time my peanuts be fallin off all on my shirt and the floor…stick them shits on the bar better son!

Two Liters

…As soon as you open one of those sumbitches and pour out what you want…that damn thing is flat
The next time you want a nice cool carbonated beverage…shit is like juice

Close talkers

…backdafucup! Damn I know you’re talking to me…and hey I’m talking to you too…we don’t need to have to be Eskimo kissin mufuka
Breath all hot and tangy
and what’s worse than when a little spittle lands on your lip from them!?
Wanna crack them in the damn head!

The College/Job situation

…I mean I graduated from college a minute ago BUT I always thought it was bullshit when an employer KNOWS you just graduated
(it’s on the damn resume) be talkin about “Yeah you don’t have enough experience…” you big water head muhfuka I KNOW that, how the hell am I to get said experience if you don’t hire me

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  • http://www.underscoopfire.com Corey Chapman (@chapmanrunner)

    Poor Bradley Foster went through the same thing in 1987’s “The Secret of My Success” He was fresh out of college ready to take the corporate world by storm! But every employer said he didnt have enough experience. How was he supposed to gain any experience if no one would hire him?!

    I have an answer for that. Accept a job in the mail room, then create a fake executive persona (Carlton Whitfield)where you can gain said experience. Dont worry about getting caught- you will! But by then, you will have learned enough to help take over your uncle’s company and bed the hot young executive that looks a lot like Super Girl.

    • HowardtheDeck

      This guy just made a Helen Slater reference.

      • eclectik

        Yes. yes he did. No where not what I was expecting or looking for, but it was a comment so it’s good.

  • Sadam

    Damn now I want some Peach Nehi

  • Benjamin

    That last part really hit home, im goin through that “not enough experience” phase. Im always like “how the hell im gonna have the experience if everyone in this damn field keep telling me the same shit”….i payed 32,000 for these a holes to tell me bout experience.

  • Anthony Tatum

    Ketchup and Catsup smell terrible. so I won’t eat it. fuck’em both. The mail Guy at my Job his a close talker he’s cool but i try never to ask his a question face to face.

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