WCW Nitro – Where the Big Boys Play!
In reaction to the recent RAW 1000 THIS show revolves around the Leader in the 90s Monday Night Wrestling Wars …
Favorite Wrestlers from the NWA and the WCW Era
Favorite Tag Teams
Best Rivalries
The Episode starts off with eclectik’s childhood bed and another dream
This week’s featured guest is Keith Holt Jr (@KHoltJr) from Ringtime Pro Wrestling
He and I discuss NWA/WCW and Nitro days including …
Overrated Wrestlers
Underrated Wrestlers
Worst Gimmicks Ever
From Ric Flair and the Horsemen to The Shockmaster to Juvi Juice to The NITRO GIRLS!
Of Course the Fifth is represented, featuring F, Marry, Kill and Wrinkles!
Click the image
Why the show is random – Here are some of the things mentioned on today’s show
Nitro, RAW, The NWO, The NWO B Team, Ric Flair, Mascots, Armbar, Eddie, Chris Benoit, Juvi Juice, Lance Storm, Vince, Bichoff, Face, Stuff, Attitude Era, The Outsides, Gimmicks, Oz, The Yeti, Vince Russo, Breech Babies, The Flock, Mortal Kombat, Raven, Robocop, Sting, Bash at the Beach, Clash of Champions, PPV, Free TV, Goldberg, The Wolfpack, Degeneration X, Stone Cold, Rock, Video Games, Super Heros, Ready to Rumble, The Nitro Girls, Great Muta, Cruiserweights, Super Calo, Buff, Rick Rude, Lex Luger, The Mall of america, Shockmaster, Misfits in Action, Finger poke of Doom, Doom, Freebirds, Midnight Express, Rock and Roll Xpress, Earnest the cat Miller, Vampiro, and much more!
Feel free to send the show an email, leave a comment below or a review on iTunes, all are appreciated
(especially if you’ve managed to read this all the way to here lol)
Show suggestions and critiques are welcome
… Dont forget to FOLLOW THE eclectik discussion podcast ON TWITTER!
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