Posts Tagged ‘ Brackets ’

Greatest Cereal of All Time (Tournament)

April 12, 2013

Cap’n Crunch? Lucky Charms? Smurf berry Crunch? What is the greatest Cereal of all time? There’s been debate … back and forth, an entire Cold Slither Podcast on the matter … so why not let the people decide? Tournament style! Fresh off of the Childhood TV Crushes tourney, I present …The Greatest Cereal of all…

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Childhood TV Crushes Tournament

March 4, 2013

There’s always debate over who was the hottest woman on TV when we were younger, we all had crushes in the 80s and 90s Topanga or Six? Was Denise Huxtable the finest? How about that fine ass Kimmy Gibbler? (Just me? Fine then.) Anyway, in the spirit of March Madness I decided to put together…

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