Posts Tagged ‘ Superfriends ’

10 Most Annoying cartoon sidekicks

July 24, 2013

I love cartoons, and I’m annoyed very easily; ever since I was little I knew this and it was very evident when I was watching my cartoons. Now, there were a lot of main characters who were annoying (George Jetson, Inspector Gadget, He-Man, etc.) who were annoying, but I’m choosing to focus on the characters…

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2013 FartCon

July 15, 2013

Not able to make it or afford SDCC? There is another just as good convention that features all the excitement and exclusives of San Diego … it’s the FartCON! For all Geeks, Nerds, and Pop culture enthusiast! Why “Fart Con”? Well, it could stand for … Furries A Really Trouble Furley Alice Roper Threesome ……

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