Posts Tagged ‘ Etiquette ’

Office Restroom Chronicles II (Stank)

November 11, 2014

Remember Deuces? ??? If not…then click and read…DANG! …anywho. Well… Mannnn Aint nothin worse than getting up from your desk, full of “I gotta go” -ness on yo fayce Get to the rest room (Cuz it aint no dang bathroom when you aint at home) And as soon as you open the door the smell…

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Office Restroom Chronicles I: (Deuces)

February 16, 2012

I typically say things that no one says…so why not blog about something that no one blogs about? I’ve had conversations (yes about poo) and people have amazed me…I cannot believe some of the things I’ve seen and heard like Talking on the phone At work I’ll like go to the little boys room and…

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