Tales from the Cubicle (Me vs. Them)

May 30, 2012

Damn Office chatter and small talk ….

Oh the snow
How did you make it in?
I made the first tracks!
I was sliding and slipping
Is it Cold enough for you?

Shut your fat flappy trap…don’t care; you didn’t crash you’re alive and inside warm…go 1 yourself.


Stop coming to my desk just standing there staring.
Waiting me to acknowledge your stupid existence


“I didn’t want to interrupt”

Then why are you standing in my peripheral vision with your annoying presence?

“I got a question”

Me go:
OBVIOUSLY what is it? I don’t need a preamble to your ‘tarded inquiry
What is it?





What are you doing for the weekend?

Me Go:
…wait what am I doing? Well that would make it ME doing stuff with ME
…not including you…so I’m not telling….and I’m not asking you what you’re doing; that’s what you really want isn’t it?
Well I aint gonna



Hey, I know you’re doing something that you’re supposed to be doing…but can I ask you to do some
EXTRA shit that I’m too lazy to do, and has nothing to do with what you’re doing and possibly your job description?

….well sure; fuk yaself first though; then I gotcha.


So what looks good?

It’s a fukn Vending machine…looks like a Snickers.


So you’re just gonna stand there and wait for me to change the paper?
You lazy degenerate.


Them Go:
HA HA HA HA Bass voice Bass vioce …let me sound important and loud to get noticed

…pipe down ass wad I’m trying to work…and pick up the damn phone…don’t nobody want to hear that speaker phone all ‘cross the office
Close your door too stupid.



Over the weekend we went “blah blah blah”, it was fun


Did you?
Was it?

…don’t care…leave now please.

Have you ever went? You should come with us next time

Me go:
Should I?

*silence* …blank stare

(Sprinkles down rocks) do me a favor…kick those.

Put me in the damn basement away from these assclowns!

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  • 12kyle

    Tellemwhyyoumaaaaadson! Lmao

    I feel you on this post. What about this one…

    THEM…What are you eating?


    THEM…It looks good. How does it taste?

    ME…I’m not sure how it tastes b/c I’m not eating right now…I’m talking to you

  • http://tdlove.wordpress.com Tonya

    I take it you don’t share your blog with any of you co-workers? Lol!

    You should read: “How to be Black”, by Baratunde. ..Particularly the chapter “How to be the Black Employee”. Hilarious.

  • iAmBigBen87

    E this is why i fuck wit u, i go through this every damn day

  • http://ayoungwifeslife.wordpress.com/ Sophisticates_4

    Love this!!! This is what happens to me daily!! lol

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