Do you?
Want to shoulder tackle your boss while he’s giving a presentation
Check the mirror often so to make sure you don’t have dry skin on your nose
Wonder why Jimmy cracked the corn
Wonder why anyone should care that Jimmy did it
Hate when people press the elevator button when it’s ALREADY been pressed
Notice when people smell bad…and tell them
Want sex then want to be left alone afterwards
Read my blog and think “I can’t believe he said that”
Need new underwear and socks
Hear Fire Alarms and be like “meh”…I dont smell smoke F-it
Type with 3 fingers max plus a thumb
Use things I type in everyday conversations
Remember when there was no internet
Know what a Base and Acid is
Wait for movies you know are terrible to come on TV and watch them…knowing you wont like them
Think Kids are overrated…not having kids…just kids in general
Listen to comedy more than music
Spend way too much time on the net sometimes
Scream for ice cream
Own every CD by The Skinny Boys
Like to play Board games and Cards a lot
Want to pelt people with Skittles cuz they annoy you
Read @eclectik tweets and think …”How did he come up with that?”
Think women are the greatest
Want some new sneakers
Go to the mall almost every week
Do the Gigalo
Mock the Indian woman in your office accent and how she pronounces her W’s as V’s?
Want someone to show a diagram of the Chicken and point out the part that the Nugget comes from
LOVE Old School Hip Hop and R&B?
Only want people around in moderation
Wants some cashew brittle
Want to take a nap
Laugh at people when they trip and fall
Smell all good
Get on the internet to get your eclectikrelaxation on
Love the Fall
I Do