Look who’s back to posting!
Its not meant for me to win at Fantasy Football this season
New TV shows are pretty good so far, new post soon.
Steak is so good … Bone-in has better flavor, but I never truly clean the bone.
… clean the bone.
My crushes are all getting pregnant by people who aren’t me, probably for the best … but Damnit Zoe, THIS guy?
… looks like a part time magician who plays bass for a Ween coverband … who also wrestled in the early 90s.
I mean, NOTHING is going on but the rent?
How did we regress so bad in popular culture? Al the TV shows we used to watch couldn’t be made anymore … and what’s with public apologies? ugh.
I haven’t typed much on the site in a while, no one has noticed … it’s cool though. #NotReally
Snake eyes … for Cobra? Nope! I STILL wont like him … nice idea though.
My building doesn’t have a 13th floor … hey stupid, the 14th floor is the 13th floor!
I’ve never had a pistachio … I hear they are good, I dont care (Almost like Jimmy and his corn cracking)
… why would anyone care about Jimmy? and is it corns on his feet? Now if he popped corn I’d care because you cannot smell popcorn and not want any
I’ve had a huge dinner, then went to the movies, and as soon as that smell hits I’m all “Hey, lets get pop corn”
People are really identified by their twitter handles … like news anchors and celebrities during interviews, their @ is right under their names … sheesh.
Bring Mars bars back … they were great
I dont know WHY it’s taken me so long to get Evernote … it’s so great.
I know my podcast isnt as “regular” as everyone elses but, when I DO put a show out, it’s better than most … just sayin.
… and it’s not my fault I’ve already said everything lol
Mountain Dew has a new lemon flavor … I’m a fan.
You know what I miss about wrestling? I’ll tell you … back when they would give a wrestler a pre-existing injury and it would be why his moves were so effective; like “He has a metal plate in his head … that’s why the headbutt is a finisher” … or “He has a steel rod in his forearm, THAT’S why his clothes line is better than everyone elses”
Aubrey Plaza is dope … Im a fan.
Cold cuts … such thing as hot cuts? and would they sell like hot cakes?
… and is McDonalds the only ones selling hotcakes?
… and are they REALLY selling well when McDonalds stops selling them at like 10am?
But when I show up at work they ask me to do stuff, damn can’t I just chill??
Spicy nacho is the ONLY flavor of Doritos that matters … you disagree then shut up.
Why is James Cryin?
I can only imagine the hilarity if Vine existed in the 80s … so many great memories would be preserved.
of COURSE I have an iphone 6, not a fan of the size really … but I had to have the latest; and Id be damned if I got that wireless keyboard size 6 plus
No one bothered to tell Lion-O to comb his hair.
… is that fur?
… then why is it a different color?
I like Dots but they get stuck in every single tooth available.
I pretty much created the random thoughts blog posts … and if I didnt (but I did) I perfected it.
People use “gosh” as in “Oh my Gosh” … TF is “Gosh”?!
Really? Why give a person a D … it’s pretty much the same as a F
I tried Peruvian chicken for the first time … tasted like feet; not a fan.
Creme soda is underrated … and where is the ‘a’? and what’s with the extra ‘e’?
I need new movies that I care about.
I cannot bowl (Cept on the wii) … I go though, laugh if you want; I’m grown.
Chocolate chip + pecan cookies
Pretty face > Pretty much all those body parts
… that doesn’t mean I’d date a fine as disembodied head tho.
… wait, well how fine is said head?
K, luv you bye bye.